How to rename table column using T-SQL
Again very simple just use system SP
Make sure that you are in same DB whose table’s column you want to change
EXEC sp_rename 'Schema.Table.ColumnName', 'NewName', 'COLUMN';
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How to rename table column using T-SQL
Again very simple just use system SP
Make sure that you are in same DB whose table’s column you want to change
EXEC sp_rename 'Schema.Table.ColumnName', 'NewName', 'COLUMN';
How to rename table in SQL Server using T-SQL
How to rename big\huge tables?
The best way of renaming table is using system SP
Make sure that you are in same DB whose table you want to change.
Use DB
SP_RENAME ‘Table1’,’NewName’
SP_RENAME automatically renames the associated index whenever a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint is renamed. If a renamed index is tied to a PRIMARY KEY constraint, the PRIMARY KEY constraint is also automatically renamed by
How to rename database using T-SQL in SQL Server 2005/2000/2008?
Very simple J Microsoft have provided one system SP which can be used here.
This SP needs two parameters 1st Database name which needs to be change
And 2nd New name.
That’s it.
How to predict deadlock in SQL Server?
To know the process details involved in the deadlock one need to add two trace flag. These flag will enable log writer to write full information of deadlock in SQL server error logs.
After this when deadlock happened use xp_readerrorlog to read error log.
Or open SQL Server logs.
Here is the know fact,
The way you write query is never executed in same order, so today I am post the order in which query got executed by SQL Server